Reaction to Fire & Fire Resistance

Reaction to Fire Metecno  Classification concerning the Reaction to Fire  

Since self-supporting sandwich panels are subject to the European product standard (DIN EN 14509), their reaction to fire is also assessed in this standard. Specifications concerning the reaction to fire are given according to the classification of the European standard DIN EN 13501-1 with a respective note regarding drip-off behaviour “d” and the smoke emission “s”.

Reaction to fire of our sandwich panels

PUR panels: B-s2,d0      

Mineral wool panels: A2-s1,d0 (non-combustible)


Hard roofing

Under the terms of DIN EN14509, sandwich panels are so-called CWFT-products (Classification without Further Testing). On the basis of the decision of the EU commission (2006/600/EG), these products are classified as “hard roofing” without further testing.  


Fire Resistance Metecno   Classification concerning Fire Resistance 

Sandwich panels with a mineral wool core are fire resistant up to a certain point depending on their thickness and the span they are applied with. The classification for the duration of fire resistance is regulated in DIN EN 13501-2. The fire resistance rating for Metecno’s mineral wool panels for walls is up to 120 minutes (EI120). For roof panels, a fire resistance up to 90 minutes (REI90) can be reached.

Please note:

If sandwich panels are used for reaching fire resistance in Germany, it is necessary to have a “Brandschutzzulassung” for the components constructed with them (e.g. fire-resistant partition walls) for every case of application. It is not sufficient to just prove the fire resistance of the panel itself, the whole construction of a wall or roof must be approved. This is required by the „Muster-Verwaltungsvorschrift Technische Baubestimmungen (MVV TB)“ of DIBt.

For further information, please have a look at our Approval of Fire Safety Regulations.