Sponsorships and Social Responsibility

Both as a business group operating on a global level and a company operating on a local level, we consider solidarity a priority. For this reason, we support regional and transregional social projects and provide sponsoring.



Speed, will power, team play, commitment and flexibility - that’s why basketball is loved by so many fans. All these characteristics are shared by our employees at Metecno in their daily work. Since 2014, with the basketball team of Science City Jena, we have a partner in the BARMER 2. Basketball Bundesliga (PRO A) which embodies all these ideals.

Since February of 2017, the gym of Science City Jena e.V., which was constructed using our wall and roof panels, is called ‘meTecno court’. It is used for the daily training of the basketballers and for matches of kids and youth teams as well as for other events or exhibitions (e.g. ‘JENAer HERBST’ or ‘Bauen-Wohnen-Energie’).


Volleyball and Soccer

We are also involved in other team sports: Since 2012, we support the volleyball team of SV Gebirge Zimmritz. Furthermore, we sponsor numerous soccer clubs, especially youth teams.


Regional and Social Responsibility

The support of charitable work, particularly in our local area, is of special concern to us. Over the last years, we have been able to support numerous club houses, youth clubs and charity organisations either monetarily or with the help of our products. Our steady and close collaboration with the ‘freie Ganztagsschule Milda’ (engl. public school Milda), for example, is nothing less than an investment in the future. Under the programme of the annual ‘Tag der offenen Betriebe’ (engl. ‘Open-Company Day’), Metecno grants teens (of 9th and 10th grade) the opportunity to have a peek behind the curtain of a modern production company.

On an international level, within the scope of our annual Christmas initiative, we donate a considerable amount of money for charity work each year. Over the last years, we have supported the relief organisation ‚Licht für die Welt’, which supports children in Africa to get necessary eye surgery.




Eine-Welt-Haus e.V.

In 2018 we decided to adopt a sponsorship for an underprivileged student from Nicaragua to give him the possibility to unfold his good educational performance properly. After his excellent high school graduation in 2019 he now decided to attend business school and is currently working in the free-trade-area. 

Since 2020 we are again supporting a 12-year-old boy whom we’d like to give the possibility  to reach his goals and to become an independent young man despite any family- or economically related imponderabilia.  

Eine-Welt-Haus e.V.