Approval for Supporting Sandwich Panels

Sandwich panels according to DIN EN14509 standard are only self-supporting (i.e. only intended for the transfer of load onto the support construction below) and are thus CE-labelled. They must not be used for the reinforcement of other components (e.g. purlins or transoms), since this is not regulated in the European norm for sandwich panels (DIN EN 14509). Therefore, supporting sandwich panels (contributing to the load bearing capacity of a single load bearing component) are becoming unregulated construction material in Germany, requiring a separate approval for the national market (Z-10.4…) for this special case of application.

Supporting sandwich panels are labelled Ü and are subject to external monitoring. The information about the type of application (supporting or self-supporting) must be transmitted from planner/architect through to the customer placing the order. If the panels are to be used for the reinforcement of other components, this must be stated clearly in the order for the panels, so that the product will be labelled correctly for its later use (either CE or Ü).

Even though the product is made from the same material regardless of its label (CE or Ü), the difference is crucial as long as building laws are concerned (i.e. application as a supporting sandwich panel (Z-10.4-583) or as a self-supporting sandwich panel (Z-10.49-516 + DIN EN 14509) and its respective labelling).

-       Approval for Supporting Metecno Sandwich Panels: Z-10.4-583