Fire Safety Approval

If sandwich panels in Germany are used for acquiring fire resistance, it is necessary to have a “allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung” (a general technical approval) for the components constructed with them (e.g. fire-resistant partition walls) for every case of use. This is required by the „Muster-Verwaltungsvorschrift Technische Baubestimmungen (MVV TB)“ of the DIBt.

With the approval of fire safety regulations for sandwich panels (Z-19.52…), the requirements for installation, fittings of components and properties of the substructure are regulated in order to ensure the necessary fire resistance for the whole construction.  

It is not sufficient to just use a CE-labelled sandwich panel (on the base of the DIN EN 14509) with fire resistance since the declared fire resistance is only valid for the building material (the sandwich panel) itself. The builder of such a construction (several sandwich panels which add up to a wall including a substructure and all fittings to the neighbouring components which all are to provide fire resistance) is now the installer but not the producer of the sandwich panels he uses! Fire-safety-auditors will always either demand a declaration of compliance with a fire safety approval of the producer of the sandwich panels (since this declaration covers the regulations concerning the installation), or they will ask for an individual approval concerning the fire resistance of the specific wall/construction.

Metecno provides certainty and predictability with our fire safety approval  Z-19.52-2096 concerning the construction of walls and roofs with fire resistance made of sandwich panels with a mineral wool core.  


- Fire Safety Approval for Metecno Panels with Mineral Rock Wool Core: Z-19.52-2096