There are more than 270 companies of the lightweight metal construction sector associated in the umbrella organization called IFBS (Industrieverband für Bausysteme im Metallleichtbau, engl.: industrial association for building systems in lightweight metal construction).  For more than 30 years, this industrial association has been the most important and acknowledged institution for all questions regarding modern light-weight construction.

Metecno Bausysteme GmbH is a member of IFBS and develops technical rules and guidelines for lightweight metal construction in cooperation with other sandwich panel producers as well as wholesale and installation companies .

To ensure a constant and independent quality monitoring, IFBS has created a quality mark which is registered at the German Patent- und Markenamt as No. 30327580. You can be sure that installation companies which are members of IFBS and carry this quality mark demand a great deal on themselves and their work and know perfectly well how to handle our products.


IFBS Gütesiegel

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