
In this section, you find current news around Metecno Bausysteme GmbH, about your contacts, our products, certificates and approvals just as well as information about current vacancies, references, fairs, our sponsorships and our social commitment.

New sales organization for Metecno Sound in France

Metecno Sound is the specialized division for acoustic solutions within Metecno group. Business activities include prefabricated solutions for sound absorption and insulation on an industrial level.

Workshop „engineering for sales personnel”

Within the scope of Metecno Way Academy the workshop „engineering for sales personnel” took place in Jena on 5th of May 2022.


It was good to see at the DAGA2022 that a lot of useful acoustic research has again been done in recent years. 

New acoustic website

It’s done!!!

New storage area

New storage area

Update 05.05.2020
Due to the positive development and decreasing number of Covid 19-cases in Germany and most neighbouring countries, governmental measures are currently being reduced step by step.
25th anniversary of Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
25th anniversary of Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
METECNO GOES BIM (Building Information Modeling)
Starting in 2020, for all new projects being planned concerning infrastructural building construction in the course of the “Stufenplan Digitales Planen und Bauen” (BMVI; ‘graduated scheme of digital planning and building’), the use of BIM will be required in Germany.
Support regional sport team!
Metecno Bausysteme GmbH supports regional sports! We wish a successful game season 2019/2020 ‘sheltered from the rain’ to FSV Grün-Weiß Blankenhain!
Metecno Group
Metecno group under one roof. A website for all Metecno companies.
VANT 2019 – Acquisition of Employees
VANT 2019 – Acquisition of Employees We were guests at the booth of VANT at the ‘Reiten Jagen Fischen und Forst³’ (Riding, Hunting, Fishing and Forestry) exhibition in Erfurt.
A little something with big impact
Impressions of BAU 2019From 14.-19.of January the BAU 2019 – one of the world’s biggest fairs for the building industry – took place in Munich, Germany.
Dear business partner,starting from April 2018 Mrs. Jutta Kreutz will be your responsible contact person for sales area “West” for all technical and commercial matters.