Sound Insulation &
Sound Absorption
If soundproofing is required for a building project with sandwich panels, normally products with a mineral wool core (rock or glass wool) are used due to their higher bulk density in comparison to PUR panels. For this area of application, products with closed or a perforated steel sheet can be used.
For our HIPETEC and METFIBER products, the approved sound insulation value Rw measures about 29-31 dB for products with closed and about 33-35 dB with perforated steel sheets. In comparison, a customary polyurethane sandwich panel has an average sound insulation value Rw of about 25 dB.
Both HIPERTEC and METFIBER-Sound panels have a perforated steel sheet on either one or both sides of the panel to improve the sound absorption (αs). The perforated surface faces towards the direction of the acoustic source. When using non-perforated sandwich panels, the sound absorption can also be improved by using sound-absorbing acoustic tiles.
For more information, please visit our new Metecno sound website.